Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Asian F

So, you've probably heard of the Asian F, but let me give you my perspective. To some parents, an "Asian F" is a B while to others it is an A-. For most Asian parents, a C is punishable by death, so let's not imagine what a real failing grade would equate to. My parents did not care if my brain was more inclined to do mathematics or art, I was expected to do it all excellently. A well-rounded individual did not mean being mediocre at all things, but instead meant that I had to do it all well. I was expected to be both mathematician and artist, both linguist and physicist. After all, they did not sacrifice everything they had to come here to America for me just to be "good" at something. After a while I started to adopt this exceedingly high standard as my own, wanting to be the best at everything.

Since my parents are Christians, I was practically raised by the Bible. The character that they would most often refer to was Daniel. Because I aspired to make my parents proud, I often caught myself looking up to Daniel. First of all, Daniel was a sort of prodigy. He was chosen to serve King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon because he was handsome, well versed in wisdom, had exceeding amounts of knowledge and was very insightful (Daniel 1:4, NRSV). Then, he was taught the literature and language of the Chaledeans and obviously excelled in that since Daniel 1:20 says, "In every matter of wisdom and understanding concerning which the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in the whole kingdom." Daniel was obviously amazing at what he did. He would be the kind of boy that every Asian parent would want. So what was Daniel's secret? According to Daniel 6:3, Daniel "distinguished himself above all the other presidents and satraps because an excellent spirit was in him" (NRSV). So, I guess the key to a child's success is an excellent spirit. Not only stressing excellence in one subject, but being excellent in all things. I think that Daniel believed in the Asian F. If it wasn't excellent, it wasn't Daniel's.

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