Wednesday, May 29, 2013


A house is so important for people of all cultures. It defines a person's socio-economic status, style, culture, etc. Whenever you go to someone's house, you are immediately able to judge a person. If the person has a mansion, you can probably tell that he/she is rich. If there's a plethora of furniture and trinkets inside of the house, you can probably tell that he/she is a hoarder. If trash accumulates and there's dust all around, you can probably tell that he/she is a lazy bum.

The house is so important in Asian culture, and this is evidenced by the emphasis on something called feng-shui. Even though my parents were not big into this Asian superstition, it was still in the back of their minds when they were shopping for houses. First of all, the house had to have an open feel so that air can circulate. Then, the stairs could not be directly in front of the front door, unless we wanted our blessings to run out the door. Next, the master bedroom had to be downstairs so that they don't have to climb up the stairs once they were old. All of these requirements were just the tip of the iceberg. Some might say that Asians are picky, and to that I would say, "yes they are."

Now, upon reading Haggai, I understand God's frustration with Judah. God wanted a house and he wasn't getting it. Everyone was neglecting the temple and instead was focusing on their own housing projects. Not only was God mad that his temple was not being built, but he was picky about it too. If the temple was supposed to resemble anything like the temple in Ezekiel's vision in Ezekiel 41-47, no wonder the Jewish people were not quick to start building the temple. God was demanding a very difficult task. But still, the house is what people look at. A house is a reflection of who you are. Your personality and your status is determined by your house. People revere a person by the kind of house they have. In the same way, God deserved a magnificent house because he is a rich and extravagant God. He deserves the best because no one else compares to him. The grand temple would also show the whole world how magnificent YHWH is. If God wants to show off, he should. He deserves a temple that shows people how important he is. 

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